Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dare you to move...

It was different this time. Except...

That urge. That complete fearless impulse was still there.

When it was all over he hugged me for a long time. Then when we parted he took me by the shoulders, looked me square in the eyes and said "Be happy Lauren."

It's only been 10mins since he left and I can't remember if I said "you too" or "I will be" which just figures.

If I had said "I am" it would have ruined the moment and maybe I'm not. But maybe I am. So who am I actually fooling?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Makeup smakeup.

I can't deny that she's hot (aren't all Asian women?) but holy hell, this is why I fail at life and will continue to be ugly forever:

(seriously watch all of it)

That shit takes dedication! Did you see the way she even tucked in her first shirt!

I do like the tricks she does to highlight her cheeks to make her face longer and the white she applies to her nose to add shine though. Kinda neat.