Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pregnancy Day 218:

I'm sick or my body is sick of pregnancy. I'm not sure. Either way my throat is killing me and my bones hurt and I've taken to sleeping on the couch.

In positive news, our little one is now the size of a pineapple and moving around like crazy trying to find more room. Only 8 more weeks until we get to meet her!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pregnancy Day 213 (on 12.13.12...fun!)

Oh hi! I'm still pregnant!

Obviously a good thing, though I've now reached the "everything-is-terribly-uncomfortable-and-can-I meet-my-baby-yet?" phase.

Together we are 30 weeks or 31 weeks or 7 months or 8 months (depending on the app/website I chose to use) but most definitely in the third trimester with only 9 weeks to go until my due date. 

Crazy milstones that have happened since the last time I blogged:
- She surpassed my birth-weight and is now about 3lbs.
- We had my baby shower, which was beautiful and just the right amount of baby/pink/showerness for me to handle.
- I've graduated to TWO doctor appointments a month. Oooo. 
- She enjoys doing somersaults and kicking/punching me in the bladder which is weirdest and also slightly painful.
- The nursery area is pretty much set up, minus the washing of all her clothes and purchasing a crib.

Things that still need some major attention:
- Vaccination research!
- Cordblood banking!
- Setting up said crib!
- Taking the cat to the vet!
- Double check insurance!

Thankfully Christmas/New Years/My birthday (woo!) are great distractions for how impatient I feel to meet her. 

This is also what I look like now:

It may or may not be small but I assure you I feel huge and don't know how much longer I can drive and get off the couch and sleep before I just can't anymore.