Monday, December 26, 2011


There is this guy I work with that I'm always discovering new and interesting things about. A few weeks ago I found out he was doing his own research on how the relationship between nationality, age and gender plays on tip ratios. He's up to about 800 tables and is looking to stop at 1000.

On Christmas Eve I learned that he's been keeping a daily journal for the last 6 months. He wakes up early every morning while his family is asleep and writes 3 pages a day. He told me it took him 3 months before it became a habit and when another co-worker complimented his drive, he mentioned something about life only being worth it as long as you're trying to improve yourself.

It's something I've heard a thousand times over but every time its uttered it still catches me off guard.

What type of life are you leading if you're not going to try and continue to improve it?

That's what this blog was supposed to be. An improvement on myself (or at least a gesture). And I've failed myself and you three readers. Sorry about that.

But "HI! I'm back!" A little now maybe a little later.

Just gotta figure out how to get photos on here again.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh Baby Baby...

Lately I can't get away from my baby brain. It hovers like a cloudy haze over every single one of my thoughts.

"My 28th birthday is coming up"
Future fetus thought:
"You're not getting any younger"

"Our kids are going to be gangly and awkward and have horrible overbites and glasses"
Future fetus thought:
"Shut up. You know I'll be adorable."

"We barely have enough money to buy groceries for ourselves, how will be able to feed another human?"
Future fetus thought:
"Hi, look down at YOUR BOOBS. Also I'm not opposed to sleeping in a dresser drawer if you can't afford a crib for a few months"

"What if it's broken?"
Future fetus thought:
"Look in the mirror and go ask my grandma"

"We're not ready"
Future fetus thought:
"You're never ready for anything and as previously mentioned, I'll be adorable"

Future fetus thought:
"Your body will ultimately win out over your mind!"

Even though it's right, future fetus just got strait up creepy there.

Anyway, in a period where we're (my current peers) all feeling a little stifled by the "Jones's" I thought I'd come up with some reasons why I should be happy I'm not yet harvesting a parasite.

Reason 1: There are very few things better in life then freshly made cookie dough. Which I'm eating right now. And sure two giant spoonfuls of raw egg will probably give me a stomachache later but for these next few moments life couldn't be better.

Reason 2: I may hate coffee, but I NEED caffeine. I've limited my intake to one pop a day but I seriously can't live without it. Seriously, it keeps the migraines at bay.

Reason 3: I hate vitamins and I hate breakfast. Vitamins taste like the fertilizer department of home depot and I'm just not into eating when I first wake up. I have nothing against actual breakfast food, it's just the idea of consuming food before 10am isn't worth it.

Reason 4: Last week for lunch I had a Slurpee and a Slim Jim. I threw it up after 3 bites but that's not the point.

Reason 5: I am married to a chef, which means most of my time is spent doing whatever I want, whenever I want, however I want. Right now I don't have to give up me.

Reason 6: Even though I forget often, 27 is still young enough to have fun.

Reason 7: Since I'm currently between semesters and jobs, I can wake up at 1030 or stay up until 3am. I can nap in the middle of the afternoon. I can act exactly like a baby without actually having to be one!

Reason 8: Conversing and identifying with my friends is hard enough (since I'm married), lets not widen the gap.

Reason 9: I got my new passport in the mail today. I can travel to Europe without having to drag around a 9lb sack of potatoes that happens to eat/barf/pop in perpetual cycles.


(I'm sure I'd make a good mom though.) Shut up brain.

girls say what?

I have no idea why I find this so funny: