Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh Baby Baby...

Lately I can't get away from my baby brain. It hovers like a cloudy haze over every single one of my thoughts.

"My 28th birthday is coming up"
Future fetus thought:
"You're not getting any younger"

"Our kids are going to be gangly and awkward and have horrible overbites and glasses"
Future fetus thought:
"Shut up. You know I'll be adorable."

"We barely have enough money to buy groceries for ourselves, how will be able to feed another human?"
Future fetus thought:
"Hi, look down at YOUR BOOBS. Also I'm not opposed to sleeping in a dresser drawer if you can't afford a crib for a few months"

"What if it's broken?"
Future fetus thought:
"Look in the mirror and go ask my grandma"

"We're not ready"
Future fetus thought:
"You're never ready for anything and as previously mentioned, I'll be adorable"

Future fetus thought:
"Your body will ultimately win out over your mind!"

Even though it's right, future fetus just got strait up creepy there.

Anyway, in a period where we're (my current peers) all feeling a little stifled by the "Jones's" I thought I'd come up with some reasons why I should be happy I'm not yet harvesting a parasite.

Reason 1: There are very few things better in life then freshly made cookie dough. Which I'm eating right now. And sure two giant spoonfuls of raw egg will probably give me a stomachache later but for these next few moments life couldn't be better.

Reason 2: I may hate coffee, but I NEED caffeine. I've limited my intake to one pop a day but I seriously can't live without it. Seriously, it keeps the migraines at bay.

Reason 3: I hate vitamins and I hate breakfast. Vitamins taste like the fertilizer department of home depot and I'm just not into eating when I first wake up. I have nothing against actual breakfast food, it's just the idea of consuming food before 10am isn't worth it.

Reason 4: Last week for lunch I had a Slurpee and a Slim Jim. I threw it up after 3 bites but that's not the point.

Reason 5: I am married to a chef, which means most of my time is spent doing whatever I want, whenever I want, however I want. Right now I don't have to give up me.

Reason 6: Even though I forget often, 27 is still young enough to have fun.

Reason 7: Since I'm currently between semesters and jobs, I can wake up at 1030 or stay up until 3am. I can nap in the middle of the afternoon. I can act exactly like a baby without actually having to be one!

Reason 8: Conversing and identifying with my friends is hard enough (since I'm married), lets not widen the gap.

Reason 9: I got my new passport in the mail today. I can travel to Europe without having to drag around a 9lb sack of potatoes that happens to eat/barf/pop in perpetual cycles.


(I'm sure I'd make a good mom though.) Shut up brain.

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