Thursday, March 29, 2012

And so it goes...

As previously mentioned in an earlier post I don't have time to search for; I'm really into goal lists. Without even realizing it I had started my own tradition. Hurrah! Here is my 2012 list.

-Start a food journal in order to properly maintain the correct blood sugar levels.
-Learn to take the correct vitamins. (for reasons above)
-Seriously start working out at least once a week. (for reasons above)
-Improve/grow and start my own photography business
-Read all the books on my shelf that I bought with the best of intentions but didn't even start
-Get a photograph and story published
-Have a baby
-Be a blonde
-Find a place to settle down in.
-Never settle.
-Travel. Take road trips to the west country side and the upper east coast.
-Remember how to be a kid again
-Stay happy
-Get a puppy
-Write more

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