Sunday, March 18, 2012

The sun and the moon

I've been watching the sun set for the last hour on this bazaaro totally welcome summer in March land we've been living in for the last week. Still I have no words.

Most of my inspiration has been stuck in photography lately. I fall asleep dreaming of new ideas and stay up late googling the competition.

I have two weeks until I turn in my application for grad school and even though I've been doing really well in school for the first time ever...I secretly hope I don't get in.

Alan's right. Most of my life gets put on the back burner when it's nice out.

I don't think it means anything. I'm just afraid of big things. Of certain movement. I over-think to a place where I barely register what an impulse is. I made the right choice leaving the bank and trying to go back to school. I took the right step if I ever want to find employment in any type of academic environment. I'm ok. I'm spoiled. I'm perfectly content lying on my new couch in shorts and a tank top with the door-wall open, listening to the birds sing.

At this moment I am happy. Happy with this apartment. Happy playing with my camera. Happy with my life. And even though this drastic weather patterned will probably change the tide and kills a bunch of sea life or plummet businesses dealing with winter jackets...I'm ok with that.

Ok. Ok. I'm not.

I need the winter to remind me to appreciate the warm sun, just like I know I need listlessness to remind me what enjoying my life feels like. So I know this total sense of ease I feel will need to pass too. I can't be laying around forever. I need a purpose.

So I completely hope I do get in.

Only time will tell and until then at least I found my camera love again.

(Last shot, NOT with my camera. Well with my camera phone...just a self portrait I did with a friend's Nikon.)

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